مدونتي المتنوعة - My blog is diverse

الأحد، 7 مايو 2017

لماذا أنزل الله تعالي القرآن الكريم باللغة العربية !!

هناك عدة أسباب أخواني وأخواتي الأعزاء في سبب نزول كتاب الله الخاتم باللغة العربية ...
علي حد علمي البسيط - لن أدعي أنني أستاذً في اللغة العربية - 

1- أن اللغة العربية هي الوحيدة التي بها أدوات النداء :
     ( الياء - والهمزة - وأيا ) 
      أمثلة :
       * لو هناك أحداً بالقرب منك فتناديه بــ ( ء ) [ أفلان ] مثل ( أمحمد )
       * لو بعيد عنك قليلاً فتناديه بــ ( الياء ) [ يا محمد ] .
       * لو بعيد جداً فتقول ( أيا محمد ) 

2- أن اللغة العربية هي اللغة الوحيدة التي بها أدوات التانيث وأدوات التذكير .. وليس ذلك بالطبع في اللغات التي علي الأرض .

3- هي اللغة الوحيدة التي بها حرف الضاد ( ض ) وليس في أي لغة هذا الحرف .

4- هي اللغة الوحيدة التي بها حروفها تنطق علي ثلاث أوضاع صوتية ( بالضم - والكسر والفتح ) وكذلك بالسكون .

5- اللغة التي تجد بها مرادفات متعددة وكذلك ممتلئة بالمعاني المختلفة .

6- ذاخرة بالقواعد والصيغ وهذا كله يزيد من قوتها وصلابتها .

7- زاد عليها الشعر الذي أضاف لها ... 

8- توجت اللغة العربية وحفظت بالقرآن الكريم الذي زاد عليها وأعلي قدرها ورفعها في أعلي درجة فأصبحت أقوي وارقي لغة يمكن أن تكون علي الأرض .

- نماذج :

* في اللغة الإنجليزية - مع كامل الإحترام لها والتقدير لمن يتكلمها وكذلك كل اللغات -  فيها كلمة مثلاً ( Tall ) بمعني طويل .. ليس هناك شكل أخر للكلمة .. ولكن في اللغة العربية - ( طويل - طاول - طالوت - ذي الطول ) مثل ذلك .. 

* كيف ستكون الأيات القرآنية والإلهية أن تكتب بغير هذه اللغة القوية ( اللغة العربية )   كيف سيكون هناك تعبير فصيح بشكل اللغة العربية . مثل ( سورة العصر ) يقول المولي جلا وعلا 
                                         ﴿ بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ ﴾
وَالْعَصْرِ ﴿١ إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ ﴿٢ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ ﴿٣

كلمة العصر في اللغة الإنجليزية تكون بهذا الشكل " Era "  هل ستفهمها علي أنها العصر ( أي الزمن ) أم العصر بمعني ( Pressure , compression , squeeze , stress, push,compressing ) أي معني من هذه المعاني ... سيكون هناك صعوبة .. ولو قيلت بمعني وكلمة واحدة , ليس لها إلا معناً واحد ولعل الله تعالي أراد بكلمة ( العصر ) معاني كثيرة غير الزمن - جمعت كلها في كلمة واحدة ... 

وليس هذا فقط وكيف كانت ستنطق بنفس حلاوة اللغة العربية !! هذا مستحيل .. بنفس حلاوة سماعك لأيات القرآن الكريم !! بالطبع مستحيل أيضاً ..

وعندما ستكتب ( خُسر ) اي باللغة الإنجليزية ( Lose ) تعني هذه  الكلمة أي الضياع والخسارة .. من الممكن أن تكون قريبة ولكن بها أختلاف .. 

لن تعطيك اي لغة أخري معاني القرآن الكريم ولكن ستكون قريبة حتي مع الترجمة الدقيقة ...

لست بعلامه في اللغة العربية .. إنني متأكد أن هناك الكثير قد فاتني ولم أذكره أو جهلته   .. ولكني أعلم بفضل الله تعالي أن اللغة العربية قدر لها ربنا سبحانه وتعالي أن جعلها لغة القرآن الكريم لما فيها من اسرار لا أدري عنها شيئاً ...

ولنا لقاء بمشيئة الله تعالي إذا قدر لنا هذا .. 

وسلام الله عليكم ورحمته وبركاته ..

اقدر من حضراتكم أن نحترم حقوق الطبع والنشر .. الا أن من يقوم بالأقتباس أن يذكر مصدر المقال .. وشكراً لكم .. ودعائكم لي بظهر الغيب ..


درس متقدم (بعض الخبايا والأسرار ) في برنامج الحضور والإنصراف ZKtime

السبت، 22 أبريل 2017

Chapter of the year ..

The different seasons of autumn, winter, spring and summer may see us.

And spring is where we will come summer and all that ..

Not in my article This is the details of the spring .. Do not expect me that .. I'm not about I want not to explain flowers, atmosphere and objects .. Etc ..
I want to say something else ..

The seasons of the year and the rotation of the earth and different classes pass us .. It is a strange world .. by things very strange ..

Are these chapters and the movement of the Earth in the vast vast space and all planets, moons and celestial bodies moving from themselves?

Or is there someone to move it .. !!

Believe me my fingers moving on the keyboard .. I did not write anything now .. I did not write down my words and I write her post on my blog in Blogger .. Write directly without hesitation ..

Very small electron movement moving around the atom and all around each other composed of one part and all the molecules that make up the material and all the materials are corrupted, including the universe ..

Is not something puzzling puzzles minds .. These questions have puzzled other scientists, thinkers and philosophers over the ages ..

Some of them said that there is a higher hand moving the entire universe with will, wisdom and management ..

And some of them said that the whole universe created a coincidence .. And will end his coincidence ..

What do you think .?!
Is this great universe created a coincidence and arranged it all by accident ?!

A large universe in which the bones are all bone grew up coincidence .. ?? !!

I think it can not ..

And why .. Because it is not something happening happens or happened and ended (coincidence), but that the whole universe is going so far and did not end the life of the Earth coincidence ... Or we found that the Earth entered the moon or that the moon escaped from the orbit and went away from us and lost in Space .. "as happens to satellites" .. For example ..

What is meant is that it is never reasonable that this universe, in which nothing is wrong, happened, happens accidentally or randomly.

Can we say that the seasons of the year are moderate and we did not see that there is a disorder in the regularity or in the regularity of the sun or moon or anything in this life .. Event and delay or event and disruption or event and end ..

When one of us is late for his work .. life is going .. What if the sun and the earth broke down and became the sun for example slowed down and did not walk the solar system in the usual form, which we are accustomed to .. I think that would be a disaster ..

The seasons of the year are arranged by many things .. Yes .. Based on things known to scientists and scholars, but they certainly overlooked things and did not realize much about them until now ...
As for everything in our lives .. We people, scientists and learners learn things in our lives and we still lack a lot ..

It is possible to ask myself why I made the title of the article by this name?
Why did you make the title of the article (chapters of the year) ??

I do not know .. But I write from anywhere and from any subject I do not put something in my mind I start from it so I let my fingers on my keyboard typing and go to where you take me ..

The change that affects the whole universe and affects us as part of it as well as chapters of the year .. Everything changes in this life .. and has no time and has no survival ..

Everything in this life is written on the patio .. We will not be able to do something about it .. We will not be able to change the reality ..

So what's the matter?

Do we live to allow and play and go on the beaches in the summer .. We wear short clothes and in winter we wear many clothes, which give us warmth in the cold ... Or that these lessons and cross and meanings large ..

Indeed, the seasons of the year and the change that takes place should draw attention to many things, including:
- That change is the year of the universe.
Life is not on one side.
- Life is a cold day and a hot day .. A dark time and another time Munir ..
Etc ..

You may seem to have many and abundant judgments of the year and of life in general.

I hope that I have not overlooked your presence and left you in peace and security. I thank all of my followers and commented on my humble publications.

And to a meeting on a future subject ..

Article created by the owner of the blog .. and not transferred from anyone

I hope that we respect our copyright.

الجمعة، 21 أبريل 2017

The water we drink ..

The water we drink what secrets? What is his story?
Water has many characteristics .. And from our creation is dirt as we all know .. It does not hide on the human ..

But water can meet its three physical states simultaneously and at the same time.

Bring Cuba and then put water and cut from the snow and see .. You will find that there is condensation on the glass cup is the water vapor condensing on the wall of the cup ..

Yes water can be in three images at once (solid + liquid + gaseous "vapor") at the same time ..

We humans are also like liquid water, easy for good

And we too will be like the breeze and like the transient spectrum do not feel it .. We humans represent all this and other nature surrounding us

I know that the article took a socket other than the beginning .. It was beginning to appear scientific .. But now become a psychological ..

Not much further .. But the water that may be on the processes such as to descend from the sky in the form of water drops and then mixed with earth soil and then absorbed from the plant or descends to the layers of the lower ground .. And take the tracks and turn a cycle like that to the end of this life ..

Is not the water an example for us as everything in this world ??

Is not the water an example for us as everything in this world ??

I mean water is one model that has many things of steaming, rain, freezing, snow, etc .. In the water, a realistic model that happens for everything in this life .. Every object happens to change and switch and move and walk in many paths and passes days and times .. And changing position When he was in the sky descending to the earth and under the earth or swallowing in the cave of another object ..

I see in the water a real and realistic model that is in front of our eyes.
I mean, we do not have to take pride in what happens to us from events. We must not take advantage of our money, authority, hands, children, etc.

Because the situation changes and changes as the water changes and turns and passes positions, levels and stages ..

I want to send a message to each of us that he must think before forgetting the reason for his existence .. Man has a goal and has a message as water goal and message as each organism in this life goal and message. ..

Article created by blog owner and not moved from another place ..

Please do not copy unless you have permission from the blog owner .. Thank you

ِAnd the Ideas are crowded...

All ideas are crowded in the head of everyone who wants to write something for people or wants to speak and spend what is inside of the words from him ..

What do I say?

The pen moves or the cursor of the writing on the screen moves and takes it where the pen wants not where the writer wants ..

If you do not arrange words like me you will find that happen with you

But the subject that I like to write .. that is: What is the meaning of this life ?! ..

Do we live to eat and drink and reproduce and enjoy and work and grow and trade and manufacture different industries .. etc ?? !!

Or do we live in this unstable land to fight each other and fight for it?

Or is there a message of my name from all this, for which we created ..

I believe that we are a message to the person and the goal and stages of his life and his mental and physical and emotional and all our lives indicate this ..

The ideas it has to human been in every different direction.

All we have to realize is the idea that we must proceed from ... to realize the meaning of humanity

Because as we know that man created to think .. and created to work .. and created to walk in one of two ways ..

Ideas are driving me through the ... right

So the right I want to speak to him .. He is one of the names of the Creator ..

I do not have to go further than my subject. Because I struggle with many ideas. Please excuse me.

I want to write in philosophy, medicine, engineering, earth layers, space, personal computers ... etc, but there is no room for it. I do not realize the knowledge that I have to write in my articles ... for my simple experience.

When I was young .. I loved playing and especially PC games .. MSX, Sega and Playstation and finally Android games and applications ...As I grew up I loved the area of cars and travel .. I realized there was a lot but I Still learn .. for the last moment ..

The facts are still out of the reach of man .. and still chasing .. until the last moment in his life ..

The well-being of life does not make a person aware of all things .. Perhaps its simplicity makes him feel a lot of them ...

And make his mind open to more serious things ..

When the mind speaks, you relax.

When you speak the soul and want .. Be ambitions and conflict ..

Therefore, if you want to live a specific idea, be confident and live for it and tried to publish .. So you have done a message and reached an end and reached the logic ..

When I write I changed my writing and started writing in English .. which I like to learn .. I started to change my thoughts ..

Freedom is a beautiful thing. Especially if it is going in the best of humanity ..

I want to deduce an idea from my article .. namely:
the message of man

Frankly came the idea .. Immediately .. I did not plan .. Believe me this is true ..

The message of humanity is humanity .. Mercy .. Learning .. Thinking .. Building .. Work for tomorrow .. The struggle .. Hope .. The pursuit of the right .. The trend towards the right ..
I think this is the message of man .. And before all that .. is the worship of the Almighty Creator who created the universe

Theme created by blog owner

متصلة علي الشيخ/وليد إسماعيل|تائبة كانت شيعية - تقول"عن المعممين :الحساب يوم القيامة بيد الأمام علي بن أبي طالب "!!

في هذا الفيديو :  متصلة - كانت شيعية - ولكن الله تعالي أضاء قلبها للايمان به فتابت واتصلت علي الشيخ / وليد إسماعيل - وتقول :   أن الشيعة &q...

