مدونتي المتنوعة - My blog is diverse

الأحد، 4 يونيو 2017

كيف تضيف علي مدونتك لعبة فلاش ..!!

أحيناً كثيرة يبحث الفرد منا عن سبيل ترفيهي لمدونته فيبحث كثيراً وقد ييأس ..

ولكنك هنا ستجد الحل بمشيئة الله تعالي 

أدخل إلي موقع ميني كليب - Miniclip


ثم أنزل أسفل الصفحة كما الشكل الموضح أمامك :

وكما هو موضح أمام حضراتكم بالشكل تابع الخطوات ثم قم بنسخ الكود ثم إضافة أداه ثم أداه Html/ JavaScript   ثم قم بحفظ الأداة 

الموضوع من إنشائي وليس منقول من أحد .. وبمشيئة الله تعالي سوف أقوم بتنزيل فيديو أشرح فيه كيفه عمل ذلك خطوة خطوة ..

وسلام الله عليكم ورحمته وبركاته 

الاثنين، 29 مايو 2017

How long are these pains?

It is nice to bear the pain and be patient
But to where?

 It is nice not to see anyone tears your eyes .. If anyone saw the tears of your eye will feel what you feel?!

No, of course. No one will feel you.Unless it is very close to you

Patience and endurance in situations may increase your tolerance and increase your strength and increase your confidence in yourself.

   The pain is not all bad, it may give you strength and as it is said, "the strike that does not divide you strengthen"

In other words, the positions, the palaces and the tribulations that pass through you increase your weight and strength, as does iron
What are the difficult situations?

Are the situations that pass you in the days of intense and strong tests that increase your experience and strengthen your resolve 
If all life is easy and not difficult .. What is the test ??

What is the challenge? it will not be ..

Life has a lot to know, and it has positions that increase experience and skill ... and get used to it whenever we practiced ..

I know that life has grief and painful positions, both when the separation of loved ones and friends and family or when something dear or lost something expensive ..

There is nothing more precious than morality if we lose it, but it is the severe pain that will not heal his wound and will not heal ..

How can life be immoral? Is not it painful? 

Who among us does not like to be happy that he has taken a test or tried to control his own desires .. !!

I think of the pain we feel that if we resisted the endless desires and desires of the soul .. really ..

We often want things but we can not be in our possession.

No wonder that life is full of variables as well as the difficulties that need to endure and force to overcome these pains associated with ..

Every one of us wants to have a life of pain. But we can not do that.

When one of us is born in this life and comes to suffer and then suffer to leave his mother's chest .. And then cry and suffer if you have difficulties in various stages of his life and then he cries if left this life ...

We have to overcome all this in our lives and then think about this life and what we are .. And what is the use of all this ... Is it useful .. Is it a stage after that .. After we leave it Will be in us or after a stage followed and be Then !!

If there is a stage after that, will we continue to do something or there is something else we do not know .. !!

Will we have people after our lives .. Will we have pain after this life or if we repaired our lives we will have a reward !!

Who will be a criminal in this life? Will he be rewarded for his actions or will be left behind?

All of these questions are consecutive one after the other .. This will open many topics with us, but I just wanted to ask about the stages of the next life (if it exists) .. But we did not realize this yet .. As we assume that there is no life after this life, we have to assume Also there is life after that ..

The ancient Egyptians (which are the oldest civilizations in history) have learned that after death there is a life to come and they will advise of this death, to complete the stages after that. Death will not be the greatest pain.

The heavenly religions have been mentioned that after death calculation and punishment and punishment and there are two places .. Fire and Paradise ..

If these predictions are true and that the books of heaven are true in this regard .. What is our position there ?? !!

Will we be the people of Hell or the people of Paradise ?? !!

I think who would be good people in this life will be the people of Paradise .. (logically)
And who will be the people of evil will be the torturers and the people of hell .. (Logically also)

And mentally and logically .. How do we after this long life wide .. After we die ends everything .. !! Is not that a strange assumption?

A man or a woman after a life full of meaning when it ends will go everything .. As if nothing .. Is not this unreasonable ..

Bear pain there is not necessary .. Because the torment will be over the endurance and perception also ..

If there is a bliss, I think it would be better than the bliss of life we live.

Although I say: that the pain that exists in this world is sure to have an end and that it will not continue for those who bear to know the truth and search for the right and went on his way to work that this life we have a message and each of us must lead his message ..

Mohamed Taha Awad \ simple writer 

الأحد، 28 مايو 2017

إلي أين ستذهبون بهذا المال ... !!

كل منا يحب أن يكسب المال .. ويكون مالاً يستطيع من خلاله أن يكفي حاجته وحاجات أسرته .. 

فعلاً هذا أمراً حقاً .. وبالرغم من أننا نعلم أننا لن نأخذ شئ منه معنا إلي حياتنا القادمة .. والمرحلة القادمة لكننا أيضاً لا نتوقف في أن نسعي وراء الرزق .. 

الكدح في الدنيا والعمل والإنتاج والعلم .. كل ذلك مطلوب للبناء والعمار في الدنيا ..

لن يغنينا المال ولو كثر ولن نأخذ شئ منه .. كل ذلك حق .

هل سنترك المال للأولاد .. والزوجة وكل شئ !! .. نعم ..  

الواجب إذا .. طالما أن الموت راصداً .. فالطمئنينة حماقة .. 

لا يجب أن نطمئن للحياة .. لأنها في لحظة سنخرج منها .. شئنا أم أبينا ..

لا يجب أن نظلم بعضنا البعض وتعامل بعضنا البعض ببغض ونترك الحماقات وراء ظهورنا ..

ليس هناك داعي لذلك .. ليس هناك داعي لأن ننشغل بالدنيا عن الآخرة ..

هذا الكون الفسيح سنتركه ونكون في عالم آخر غير الذي ألفناه وعرفناه ..

عالم مجهول بالنسبة لنا .. ولكننا نعرف أننا سنذهب إليه ..

الشهوات والطموحات والنذوات وكل ما هو ( آت ) ينسينا هدفنا .. ألا وهو ( الدار القادمة  ) 

دار قادمة .. !! .. نعم .. هي دار قادمة ومقام لا محاولة من الهرواب منه .

المال الذي جمعناه سنتركه .. ولن نأخذ شئ منه .. 

ولا شئ إلا أعمالنا .. 

ولكن علينا أن نجتهد في أن نكسب المال من مكان مشروع .. 

وعلينا أن نعمل جاهدين في أن نرضي ربنا سبحانه ونتوب إليه .. ونتخلي عن جشع النفس .. 

أمر صعب .. صراحة .. أمر صعب أن نجعل النفس التي تحب الإمتلاك أن تترك ما تعبت من أجله وتنفق في سبيل الله تعالي ( سواء الزكاة أو الصدقة ) ..

ولكن أوامر الله تعالي بأن ينفق كل مقتدر علي قدر ما أعطاه الله تعالي من رزق علي من ليس له رزق .. أو ليس له باب يتكسب منه .. 

أو أن يساعد شباب وأسر فقيرة معدمة ليسعدوا بحياة كريمة .. قدر المستطاع ..

كلنا نريد أن نكسب ويكون لدينا أموال نسعد بها .. نشتري بها كل ما يحلوا لنا وكل ما يخطر علي بالنا .. من مأكل ومشرب وملبس ومسكن وأيضاً سيارة وهاتف حديث وحاسب شخصي محمول ... الخ ..

كل ذلك وغيره من طموحات النفس التي لدينا .. قد تكون مشروعة .. ولكن في أطار عدم التبذير .. 

التبذير الذي طال حياتنا كلها .. فتأزمت علينا الحياة .. وأصبحت الحياة صعبة .. 

كل شئ غالي .. ولم يعد لدينا وبمقدور أكثرنا أن نشتري الطعام .. 

حتي الطعام بدأنا نشتري الأهم وأن نشتري بكميات أقل .. 

الناس حالياً .. أدركوا أشياء كثيرة .. منها أن عندما أرتفعت الأسعار .. الناس بدأت تقتصد في الحياة ..  

الناس بدأت تمسك يدها .. لأننا وجدنا أن الأسعار أرتفعت علينا وبدانا نخشي أن نفقد المال .. 

المال الذي هو ( الأختبار الأكبر ) في هذه الحياة ...   

سواء بكثرته أو بقلته .. فهو أختبار في كلا من الحالتين ..

نسأل الله تعالي السلامة من كل سوء .. وأن ننجح في هذا ألأختبار الصعب .. 

الجمعة، 19 مايو 2017

Live in the countryside

Life in the countryside may be a comfortable and beautiful life and rest the soul of living there, where evergreen, birds and natural environment (non-polluting).

Planting and water that is in the ground, birds that sing and fly in the atmosphere of the fields .. All that you see there do not see this in the city ..

Some of us think that life in the noise that is in the city is this life !! No

Natural life, which is completely away from the industrial environment and the modern environment is the best .. I have to adopt this issue to rethink again.

The big article is not the good article or the article that counts. There may be a few words but enough words.

Living in the countryside gives you another look for when you are in a noisy environment that hurts your hearing, sight and health.

The free articles that I like to write are articles that are free from the usual articles that live in the age we are in. I hate those who criticize or dislike me, even though I respect every opinion even if they oppose me.

This type of articles can only be an insightful man. He really is. Although I do not claim to be a man of great writing, I always describe myself as a novice writer.

Also live in the countryside not only to enjoy but the countryside takes you to the pleasure of the tranquility and tranquility that wanted by all those who want to distance from the world of congestion, pollution and rapid movement .. We became machines or Like machines ...

It is possible to be in a modern modern life but we also tend to live in the countryside because of its own nature .. really not pure nature .. but find the modernity has entered it ..

Find the plow and the machinery that works either fossil fuel or electricity ..

In general, what you will find in life there will be different from what we live in the city.

I do not want to finish my article this .. But I do not want to prolong so as not to hurt dear reader bored ..

There is really in each environment its own nature .. The desert environment has a nature and its distinctive shape .. And the environmental nature of the villages .. as well as cities, and different environments such as islands, valleys, oases ... etc

Every country as well as every place has its advantages and disadvantages .. But the country and rural (villages) have a different nature that can attract you to love life in it .

The features you want in life [calm - beautiful nature - planting - simplicity - fresh air - ... etc] all there in the countryside ..

As well as find acquaintance between people and cooperation and cooperation .. Find all that there, either in the city .. Do not find anyone to visit even relatives .. Do not find anyone visiting the other but rarely ... Or when there is an occasion or in solace ...

Mohamed Taha Awad

متصلة علي الشيخ/وليد إسماعيل|تائبة كانت شيعية - تقول"عن المعممين :الحساب يوم القيامة بيد الأمام علي بن أبي طالب "!!

في هذا الفيديو :  متصلة - كانت شيعية - ولكن الله تعالي أضاء قلبها للايمان به فتابت واتصلت علي الشيخ / وليد إسماعيل - وتقول :   أن الشيعة &q...

