مدونتي المتنوعة - My blog is diverse: happiness
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات happiness. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات happiness. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الأربعاء، 19 أبريل 2017

Can we be happy ?

Of the articles that I like to be present and which I like to start with in my new blog and be an article (1)

Is: happiness between reality and dreams ..
Happiness has been talked about by many and each of us takes a new and different outlet ..
Happiness has many colors.
- Including what is in the collection of money.
- including the promotion of jobs and grades.
- including what is in getting a beautiful wife.
- including in the form of access to agricultural land.
- including what is in the form of the acquisition of multiple cars ..
- including the dream of obtaining a child inherits property and loss ... etc

And many, many dreams that can be often is not happiness .. And when you get it you find self-assurance that all or part is not happy ..
When you get a beautiful wife .. may come from behind the problems and occur with the usual marital differences .. You know that it is not happiness .. (But not everyone who gets a beautiful wife finds problems with her) ..

And also when you get a car or a house or other goods of this world you will not reach the full happiness that you dreamed of ..

You'll be amazed !! "What is the happiness I want?" And where is she? And what form it! .. etc

There are a lot of words and questions that can be said in such a situation ..

But happiness lies in satisfaction.

Do not take me .. (satisfaction) .. Yes it is ..

But how can I get this satisfaction?
And where do I get this?

These are all questions you can only answer. This way:

To accept what you are, and try to strive to achieve the best if you can .. If you can not do not torment yourself .. And start again and try to reach up to what you want (without exaggeration) or (greed) until you get two of them (satisfaction) + Goal)
(Satisfaction + goal) = Happiness ..

At least partial happiness .. Or may be college if you wanted ..

I mean if you want to be happy .. you will be .. and vice versa ..

Is the psychological feeling of the individual of us .. It may come from external or internal influences in the soul

And external influences: may be in the form of (a space outside the house with a reflection on the Creator's creation)

Or tingling away from the noise and bustle of modern life ..

In the ability of man to adapt to the reality and complexity that we have reached .. It is difficult to find the concept of happiness as found by others who preceded in life .. Because their lives were simple and easy and were not complex ..

Now you may find people moving away from each other .. Despite the presence of progress and modern technology and the existence of means of communication .. Despite all this do not find people happy .. But you can find most of them do not feel happy ..

And this is because we could not sit with each other as we were .. The tools we use in our lives away from each other

Such as: phones, personal computers of all kinds, television, and life concerns .. have always made a barrier between us and each other ..

If we want happiness to be achieved in our lives to find ourselves a time cut off from our lives for each other .. To be happy for our lives for our children and our husbands and our family .. This is necessary because the concerns of life steal us from ourselves and what we love ..

Happiness: in the peace of mind and in the satisfaction with a little with work and seriousness and diligence without struggling and without greed of the soul and take care of parents and family and give every costume right to his right ..

It is really difficult but we have to stick to it, if we are to be happy these days.

Article created by the blog owner .. and not movable from any one

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